This years Hiero Day marks the 5th year of the event and is set to take place September 5th, and tickets are now available. Like last years celebration, General Admission tickets for the mayor commemorated Oakland holiday, festival, concert and block party are available for $19.93 (*cough* '93 Til). Additional options include a $50 Pit Pass and a $199.30 VIP Ticket for those who want the best access to the performers/performances.
"This community event brings together all ages and backgrounds. The event hosts a childrens area, multiple stages to host local and internationally renowned artists and DJs providing continuous entertainment from Hip-Hop, Jazz, Electronic, Alternative and R&B."
If you'd like to get involved, volunteers receive free admission to the event along with a meal in exchange for 4 hours of service. Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older. For more information on volunteering, click here.
The official Heiro Day is on September 3rd or 9/3 (another reference to Hiero collective members Souls of Mischief's '93 Til Infinity), however the festival is always held on Labor Day, ensuring more fans and family are able to attend. Aside from Hieroglpyhics, no lineup has been announced yet but based on previous years it's safe to assume it won't disapoint.
The all-ages event begins September 5th, 2016 at 11am and will run through 7pm at 3rd St & Chestnut St in Oakland, CA. Features include 3 stages, street art, children's activities, food trucks, vendors and more. For more information, visit the official Hiero Day website at, and check out the official Hiero Day 2014 recap from General Hydroponics below.